Welcome back. In How to Build Your Boudoir – Step 1 you chose your space, made room for your special things and measured the space so you don’t overfill it or buy something that won’t fit. Next let’s talk about how to actually put together your unique design.
Start by going hunting through your own home. Take a walk through your house collecting those things you own that give you a decadent feeling. Don’t worry about what they are or if they will work with your finished design. Look for things like that little clock you picked up at the garage sale across the street just because you loved it or the glass figurine someone gave you that always made you feel special, that unusual piece of your grandmother’s jewelry and your favorite throw pillow. Come on, you get the idea, now go collect them.

So how did you do? Are you already feeling a bit glamorous surrounded by your favorite things? Take a look at them. Is there a common theme, color, or idea? Is there one item that speaks to you more than the others? Is there a color you absolutely love more than the others mixed in there? Now write down the words that come to mind when you look at your things. Just simple words. For example with my collection you see here my words are: blue, gold, cats, pigs, earth, stone, classic, & comfortable. You can use those words to choose your theme and color scheme. My design would include the three words, blue, cats & stone. But don’t stop there with your design. Here comes the fun part.
Grab yourself a beverage. Yep, a beverage, a glass of wine, a cup of tea, whatever it is that helps you relax and makes you comfortable. Open another tab in your browser and search for more ideas. Look at bathroom and bedroom designs with your color or style or theme. Create a Pinterest board or a word file or just pin your favorite images to your desktop. Take it all in. Are you having a hard time deciding where to start? Take a look at the Bad Wolf Boudoir Pinterest board I created to help inspire you, and while you’re doing that I’ll prepare Part 3.
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